AIR 2018 Application FormBy Wanjiru Koinange / 2 August 2018 Artists in Residency (AIR) 2018 – Application Form Step 1 of 2 50% APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15 October 20181. RESIDENCY APPLYING FOR:*Please indicate which Artists in Residency programme/s you are applying for. You are permitted to apply for as many of the residencies as you wish but we recommend that you only select the spaces for which you are best suited. Bundanon Trust – Australia The Fountainhead Residency – USA International Studio & Curation Program - USA Instituto Sacatar – Brazil Please carefully read through the Application Guidelines for more details about each residency and ensure that the residency you are applying for caters to your artistic discipline.2. APPLICANT DETAILS:Full Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name):* Country of Birth:* Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)* MM slash DD slash YYYY Gender: Female Male Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Country You Currently Reside In:* Landline number Please enter your landline number. Please make sure to add the country code. e.g +27 021 555 5555Mobile number* Please enter your mobile number. Please make sure to add the country code. e.g +27 082 555 5555E-mail address:* Which language/s do you speak:* 3. WHAT IS YOUR PRIMARY MEANS OF ARTISTIC EXPRESSION* Visual Arts Performing Arts Literature/ Creative Writing Music Film Other Please specify 4. WHY HAVE YOU DECIDED TO BE AN ARTIST? WHAT LED YOU TO YOUR CREATIVE PATH? [100 words maximum]5. WHY DO YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ARTIST IN RESIDENCY PROGRAMMES OFFERED.*6. WHY IS YOUR ART IMPORTANT?*7. HOW DOES YOUR ART MAKE A SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION, OR WHAT KIND OF CONTRIBUTION CAN YOUR ART MAKE?*8. WHAT ARE YOUR OVERALL GOALS FOR YOUR RESIDENCY?*9. WHAT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WORKING ON WHILE PARTICIPATING IN YOUR PREFERRED RESIDENCY PROGRAMME AND WHY? WHAT OUTPUT/PRODUCTS DO YOU ANTICIPATE WILL RESULT FROM YOUR RESIDENCY?*10. IF ANY, WHAT KIND OF COLLABORATION DOES YOUR IDEA ENTAIL? [100 words maximum]*11. IF YOU WERE SELECTED FOR A RESIDENCY, HOW WOULD YOU DETERMINE OR MEASURE ITS SUCCESS AFTER COMPLETION? [100 words maximum]*12. WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS OF YOUR PREFERRED RESIDENCY? [100 words maximum]*13. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THE AIR 2015 PROGRAMME?* From a friend Website Social Media E-mail By invitation On a notice board From an Africa Centre Scout Please indicate which site Please indicate which organisation mailed you the information Please indicate from whom you received an invitation Please indicate where you saw the notice Please indicate the name of the scout 14. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS All applicants are required to accompany their application with the following supporting documents: Artist Statement/Biography:*Describe your current projects and artistic process Max. file size: 64 MB.Professional CV :*Include career highlights i.e awards received,past residencies, a list of references and their contact details [3 pages maximum];Max. file size: 64 MB.Portfolio of work (under 5MB)*Max. file size: 5 MB.Web Link where your work can be viewed* Δ